Super Hero Mod AMXX 1.18e

File : Superhero Mod v1.18e for Counter-Strike 1.6


Superhero Mod is a role playing (level-based) server-side plugin for Counter-Strike Half-Life 1.

As you kill your opponents, you gain Experience. Eventually when you have reached your experience quota, you gain a new Level. This means you can buy Upgrades which give you an advantage over your opponent.


This version works for both Windows and Linux game servers.


The attached download has the appropriate file structure. Download this mod and simply upload it to your ?cstrike? directory on your server.

This includes and installs AMX Mod X version 1.75a.

Recommended Server Settings:


amx_shsetlevel <nick | @team | @ALL | #userid> <level> - Sets SuperHero level on players

amx_shsetxp <nick | @team | @ALL | #userid> <xp> - Sets Players XP

amx_shaddxp <nick | @team | @ALL | #userid> <xp> - Adds XP to Players

amx_shban <nick or #userid> - Bans a player from using Powers

amx_shunban <nick | #userid | authid | ip> - Unbans a player from using Powers

amx_shresetxp - Erases ALL saved XP (may take some time with a large vault file)

say /superherohelp or /help - Help MOTD popup

say /herolist - Shows a list of heroes and powers

say /playerskills - Shows you what skills other players have chosen

say /playerlevels - Shows you what levels other players are

say /myheroes - Shows what heroes you have picked and their power binds

say /clearpowers - Use this to clear all powers and repick your heroes

say /showmenu - Displays power menu if you have heroes available to pick

say /drop <heroname> - Use this to drop just one hero and pick another

say /whohas <heroname> - This will show who has the specified hero

amx_shvaulttosql - Command to copy vault into mysql. Run it once to convert to the XP in the vault to mysql database. Run it ONLY ONCE. This command is only available if you are using the plugin compiled for mysql saving. Table Schema is in, you must build the tables first. If you're smart enough to run mysql I'm sure you're smart enough make the tables.

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